Dueber watch case hallmarks
Dueber watch case hallmarks

dueber watch case hallmarks dueber watch case hallmarks

In no branch of skilled industry perhaps in the world, has more rapid advances been made than in the jewelers' art, and the industrial pursuits of a kindred nature. The business offices and salesrooms of this company are at 182 and 184 Broadway, corner of John street, New York city. As a mark of the progress in the art, this button now made of a single piece of metal without seam or joint was formerly made of several pieces soldered together, any one at all acquainted with the manipulation of metal will see at once the superiority of this button, the metal having suffered nothing of the annealing effect of the soldering process of the old method, with the consequent softening which must eventually follow. Krementz, which has become the standard collar button of the country, and which is largely exported to Europe. One of the specialties manufactured by this firm we shall not fail to mention, and that is the "Krementz one piece collar button" the invention of Mr. Krementz & Co., manufacture a large line of jewelery, principally for ladies wear, and their productions have attained a high reputation with the trade throughout the country. Lebkuecher, and the same parties with the able corps of assistants which they have gathered about them still carry it on, and have enlarged it to its present proportions. The business was commenced in 1869, in a comparatively small way by Messrs. Our artist has given a faithful portrayal which has been transferred to these pages. They occupy the greater part of the large four story brick buildings, having a frontage of 185 feet on Chestnut and 55 feet on Mulberry street, also the rear extensions. situated on the corner of Chestnut and Mulberry streets, Newark, New Jersey:Īt the South-west corner of Chestnut and Mulberry streets, the firm of Krementz & Co., carry on their extensive jewelery manufacturing business.

dueber watch case hallmarks

Source: Illustrated Cincinnati - Daniel J. It has always been supposed– owing to the want of experience, great skill required, and the high price of labor in America–that the business of watch-case making, and particularly the finer descriptions of these articles, would be confined almost exclusively to Switzerland but the American energy and enterprise have supplied ingenious machines and expert workmen, whose efforts have been crowned with success, and many of the beautiful cases made by this company vie in costliness, workmanship, and finish with the finest productions of the best foreign artists. Long years of experience enables the Dueber Watch Manufacturing Company to turn out watch-cases of great beauty, and in those of high cost great elaboration of detail. They manufacture all kinds of Gold and Silver Watch Cases, and the reputation the "Dueber" Witch Cases have made for themselves, in all the States, from Maine to California, is abundant proof of their superiority and intrinsic value. The accompanying engraving illustrates one of the main rooms of their manufactory, where about 60 skilled workmen are employed. The floor-space now occupied by their manufactory exceeds 12,000 square feet. The business grew steadily ever since, and the Dueber Watch Case Manufacturing Company was incorporated in 1873. Dueber established this business in 1864. The Dueber Watch Case Manufucturing Company's Establishment is situated in the building on the south-west corner of Fourth and Race Streets. The plant was in operation from 1874 until 1889 when it moved to Canton, Ohio, to share the premises of its sister company, the Hampden Watch Co.Īn interior view of the premises of the Dueber Watch Case Manufacturing Company located on the south-west corner of Fourth and Race Streets, Cincinnati. The premises of The Dueber Watch Case Manufacturing Company located at Newport, Kentucky:

Dueber watch case hallmarks