When low (as always) and banking, when i look at the ground, there is a very-much-increased sensation of flight-enough to raise my heartrate ! Strange but true. Oh yes, one other thing I am having a really hard time rationalising. Finally, these tests confirmed what i had earlier found with the 1060 - that contrary to what some have said, Nvidea Control Panel settings have no effect whatsoever on DCS - with the possible exception of performance vs temperature. The NVIDIA GeForce GTX1070 has a more than generous hash rate of 30mh/s. It’s also an amazing choice for cryptocurrency mining. 1070 is a fabulous graphics card for video gaming. The first on our list of best mining GPUs is the NVIDIA GeForce GTX1070. It also it a lot easier to OC on NiceHash. Best of the Bunch NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070.
Mining monitoring and management software for your Windows GPU rigs. In fact, i have 50% vram headroom, as well as 50% CPU headroom. take 0.5 from removing it from your wallet but if you mine on your own you usually lose 1 to the pool and 1 to the mining software. Nvidia GTX 1070 puede alcanzar una tasa de hash de 26.08 MH/s y un consumo de potencia de 134 W para la minería de ETH (Ethash), con ganancias de aproximadamente 1.01 USD por día.

In addition, I now have about 35-40% gpu headroom, and I'm no longer using ram for video sharing. This algorithm is both ASIC and NiceHash resistant and can be mineable using CPU as well as both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. This did away with 90% of the shimmers ! I was also able to extend the grass/clutter distance, and enable default instead of flat ground shadows, although this last i had to revert as I saw this weird ghostly straight lateral line running on the ground a few hundred yards ahead of the aircraft as i looked out 10-20 °. C11 is a hashing algorithm similar to Dash X11. I now have SSAA set at 1.5, in addition to 2x MSAA. I am now running the same settings as i did the 1060, with one major difference. įollowing the installation of the 1070, i ran very extensive tests to max the graphics while keeping Vsync unbreakable. It was also using some of my ram for video sharing. Wrong again ! The tests showed that while the 1060 was doing as i wished, it had no headroom at all, with the GPU showing continuously at 97-98 %. I had ass-umed that it would only work for MSI cards. As i spend 95% of my VFR time very low, the only problem I had with the graphics was the constant flickering/shimmering, which drove me crazy ! When considering upgrades, at suggestion, i downloaded Afterburner to get good data. Flying solo in the Caucasus, i was able to maintain Vsync (so important to Tir) everywhere and at any altitude and maneuver state, with only very minimal concessions to eye candy.

Let me begin by saying that i was fairly happy with the performance of my previous 3gb 1060. Nothing in this post is meant as gospel, i am merely reporting test observations on my system. My specs below, for interpretation of results.